Fernando Araujo

Principal expertise
Perfils de empresas
Microempresa, Pequeno Porte, Médio Porte, Multinacional
Bens de Consumo, Dados e Tecnologia, Diversão e Entretenimento, Governo, Mineração, Saúde, Varejo
Áreas da empresa
Dados, Inovação, Tecnologia
Empresa atual
CTO especialista em IA
São Paulo
Principais empresas
Vialaser, IPMedia
Resumo da trajetória
At the past I had worked as CIO, CTO, Engineering Manager, Program and Project Manager for global contracts, Product Manager, Project Management Officer specialized in costs, Team Lead (Agile and CMMI based) and Developer. I have experience with Lean and more than 14 years experienced in leading people, and more than 19 years working with software development. When Program Manager at CI&T, I was responsible for Marketing contracts with Coca-Cola Atlanta/USA. With this experience, I could help the company to grow contract revenues by more than 70% in less than 1,5 years. These were results of focus on the customer and on the team needs. The focus on the customer was recognized both at LEMAF, CI&T and Devex. Master in Applied Artificial Intelligence + Specialization in Machine Learning + International papers published in AI

Projeto de destaque
Vialaser was in a fast pace expansion, with more than 160 clinics in Brazil and Paraguay. More than 900 employees.

I was the CTO/CIO responsible for:
 - Infrastructure: Network, Internet, Telephony, IT assets (notebooks, servers, security cameras, amoung others)
 - Software development: App, E-commerce, Self service terminal, ERP build in house (Sales, Management, HR, Finance, Billing, amoung others)
 - Systems support: Level 1 and Level 2
 - Infrastructure support: highly automated Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3
 - Business Intelligence (BI)
 - ChatBot: Whatsapp
 - LGPD (similar to GDPR legislation)
 - Information Security
 - Team with 27 employees

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