Anysio Espíndola

Principal expertise
Perfils de empresas
Microempresa, Pequeno Porte, Médio Porte, Grande Empresa, Multinacional, Startup
Alimentos, Bens de Consumo, Construção, Consultoria, Dados e Tecnologia, Diversão e Entretenimento, Esportes, Finanças, Marketing, Saúde, Seguros
Áreas da empresa
Administrativo, Comercial, Estratégia, Inovação, Marketing, Produto
Empresa atual
AE Marketing
CMGO - Chief Marketing and Growth
São Paulo
Principais empresas
Ambev, Coca Cola Internacional, Ralston Purina, Avianca, Banco Fibra
Resumo da trajetória
I am a MARKETING, DIGITAL, and BUSINESS GROWTH executive, with a large experience in Building Brand and Product Positioning strategies, focused on Business and Potential partnerships. 
My Mindset is connected to offering “The Best Customer Experience.

About my skills and me: 
Team worker, self-motivated, open mind, trend-setting mindset, hands-on, always looking for NEW Business trends in the world.

My professional career was built in the Consumer Products Industry where I have worked for multinational companies such as Ambev, Coca-Cola International in Atlanta/USA,(and Go to Market), and Avianca/COL. 

Since 2011, I have been working for the startup's ecosystem (my 3rd and practical MBA). 
I have strong experience building B2C and B2B strategies focused on Planning and execution tools. 

B2C - Consumer Products journey - Coke, Ambev 
B2B - Companies such as Avianca, Glaxo, and Banco Fibra Digital.

One of the best learnings in my professional journey was to work on connecting the marketing and sales teams' strategies in the same way and execution. 

Thank you very much and I am available to negotiate new Mentories.
Projeto de destaque
Recently I was in charge of a Digital Bank in Brazil - BANCO DIGITAL Fibra focused on SME companies in charge of the Digital Bank's Business Unit, mainly responsible for the Business Growth and Marketing areas. 
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Esses são meus talentos principais
Marketing, Growth, Inovação, Marketing Digital(Performance and Strategies), Pre Sales and Sales

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