Heverton Rodrigues

Principal expertise
Perfils de empresas
Microempresa, Pequeno Porte, Médio Porte, Grande Empresa, Multinacional, Startup
Consultoria, Dados e Tecnologia, Diversão e Entretenimento, Educação, Esportes, Finanças, Moda, Sustentabilidade, Telecomunicações, Turismo
Áreas da empresa
Comercial, Dados, Engenharia/Arquitetura, Estratégia, Inovação, Marketing, Operações, Produto, Tecnologia
Empresa atual
CIO & Country Manager
Cidade do México
Principais empresas
Flapper, Slideworks, Twilio, Amazon (Consultoria)
Resumo da trajetória
Entrepreneur and high skilled software developer with +15 years of experience, hight creative product creator, ever developing ideias and creating tech solutions for companies and clients. Founder of Slideworks, a software boutique focused in create valuable products for clients. I also cofounded a startup in literature and culture area that was sold in 2017 and a fintech for B2B credit sold at the beginning of the pandemic. Currently I'm Mexico CM and CIO of Flapper, a private aviation Startup with the biggest platform of private jets of the world. AI and Web3 early adopter and enthusiast, I always try to apply all my knowledge to improve my startups and business. Startup angel investor and mentor since 2019.
Projeto de destaque
Entrepreneur and high skilled software developer with +15 years of experience, hight creative product creator, ever developing ideias and creating tech solutions for companies and clients. Founder of Slideworks, a software boutique focused in create valuable products for clients. I also cofounded a startup in literature and culture area that was sold in 2017 and a fintech for B2B credit sold at the beginning of the pandemic. Currently I'm Mexico CM and CIO of Flapper, a private aviation Startup with the biggest platform of private jets of the world. AI and Web3 early adopter and enthusiast, I always try to apply all my knowledge to improve my startups and business. Startup angel investor and mentor since 2019.

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